
Aside from various possible RuntimeError and ArgumentError exceptions, OccamsRecord has several well-defined exceptions for common errors. The most useful are described here.


As mentioned in the introduction, OccamsRecord won't lazy load any associations for you. If you forget to eager load one and try to use it, it will throw an OccamsRecord::MissingEagerLoadError exception.

  eager_load(:line_items) {
  find_each { |order|
    # this throws because it tries to access "category", which we didn't eager load
    puts order.line_items[0].product.category.name

The message contains helpful information telling us exactly where we forgot to eager load it:

Association 'category' is unavailable on Product because it was not eager loaded! Occams Record trace: root.line_items.product


Elsewhere we noted that your eager loads can specify a subset of columns to select (for performance reasons). If you try to access a column you didn't select, it will throw an OccamsRecord::MissingColumnError exception.

  eager_load(:line_items) {
    eager_load(:product, select: "id, name")
  find_each { |order|
    # this throws because it tries to access the "description" column, which we didn't select
    puts order.line_items[0].product.description

The message contains helpful information telling us exactly where we forgot to select it:

Column 'description' is unavailable on Product because it was not included in the SELECT statement! Occams Record trace: root.line_items.product"